Monongalia County Lawyer Handles Nursing Home Abuse and Negligence Actions

West Virginia attorney advocates for elderly clients who have been mistreated

Seniors and their families rely on nursing homes and similar facilities to provide effective, compassionate care. When this does not occur, the damage can be severe and lasting, because vulnerable elderly residents might not have the ability to communicate regarding the abuse and negligence they have experienced. At Mountaineer Injury Law Group in Morgantown and Martinsburg, I take on negligent providers so that West Virginia victims of nursing home abuse and neglect can collect compensation and despicable practices are stopped.

Signs that nursing home residents are victims of abuse or neglect

Victims of nursing home abuse and neglect are very vulnerable and often are not able to discuss the mistreatment they’ve experienced. If you’re concerned that an elderly person you know is being harmed, there are some physical, emotional and behavioral changes that might indicate a serious problem:

  • Bedsores
  • Unexplained bruises and other injuries
  • Problems related to malnutrition and dehydration
  • Depression-related symptoms, such as crying or a refusal to engage in activities
  • Unusual silence or anger
  • Infections and poor hygiene
  • Instances of unsupervised wandering    

These problems and others might not be a result of nursing home negligence, but without a detailed review of the situation, it is difficult to identify if a potential claim exists. As an experienced West Virginia injury attorney, I can cut through the excuses and phony explanations that facilities often provide to hide what is really happening.

Liability in nursing facility abuse and neglect cases

A finding of nursing home negligence requires proof that the facility violated its duty of care to a patient. Just as there are many specific types of abuse and neglect at nursing homes, there are countless ways to prove that damages are warranted. Photos, victim accounts, medical records, witness testimony and regulatory filings can all support the case against a defendant nursing home. If liability is established, the individual who was abused or neglected can recover payment for the costs required to treat their physical, mental and emotional damage, as well as compensation for their pain and suffering. It can be very difficult for vulnerable seniors to move past the trauma of nursing home abuse, so I also seek damages for post-traumatic stress disorder and other long-term effects that an elderly victim might experience.

Reporting nursing home abuse or neglect

West Virginia maintains a telephone hotline where people can report suspected cases of nursing home neglect and abuse. However, state regulators are limited in their ability to obtain relief for victimized seniors. That’s why you should contact an experienced lawyer as soon as you believe that problem exists. You might need a power of attorney to initiate legal action if the elderly victim lacks the capacity to make important decisions on their own, so there’s no time to waste.

Speak with a West Virginia nursing home abuse lawyer in a free consultation

Mountaineer Injury Law Group assists in cases arising from abuse or neglect at a West Virginia nursing home. To schedule a free consultation with attorney in Morgantown or Martinsburg, please call 304-202-5835 or contact me online.

Contact the Firm




124 Fayette Street,
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505





126 E Burke Street,
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401

