Suffering Due to Environmental Pollution? We Can Help File Your Claim

As industrialization continues to spread across the country, pollution has become a widespread issue. For decades, industries have been polluting the air and water, with the effects now becoming apparent. Apart from the degradation of natural settings, there has been a heavy toll on human life. Toxins from industrial byproducts have infiltrated the air and water bodies, leading to diseases and even fatalities among those living near industrial hubs.

If you have been adversely affected by an environmental hazard, reach out to our team of West Virginia injury lawyers today to seek justice for your losses. At Mountaineer Injury Law Group, our environmental claim lawyers can assist you in gathering evidence and building a strong case in your favor. Our legal team has extensive experience in navigating complex cases through thorough research, diligent investigation, and expert testimony.

How Do You Know You Have an Environmental Claim?

Industries are expected to adhere to federal and state laws that have been established to protect both the environment and the citizens living in the vicinity. These laws include the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, as well as regulations from state and federal Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA).

If an industry causes environmental pollution that harms people and results in diseases such as lung disease or cancer, it can be held liable for its negligence. Contact our seasoned environmental lawyers to determine if your case qualifies for compensation.

How We Can Help You

We are dedicated to building the strongest possible case for you. Our team offers comprehensive guidance and support throughout the legal process. Combining our legal expertise with thorough investigation and expert evidence, we consider all factors to develop a fair compensation claim. We strive to ensure that you receive the justice you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Call Today for a Free Consultation

When a company's negligence affects public health and leads to loss and suffering, it must be held accountable. You deserve the best representation for your environmental claim case.

We will carefully review your case and provide you with the best possible guidance. Our services operate on a contingency fee basis, which means that we only collect litigation fees from any settlement you may win in your case. You pay nothing out of pocket to us.

Contact the Firm




124 Fayette Street,
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505





126 E Burke Street,
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401

